My College:

Summer Prep for Fall Semester

Vicki Nelson

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Starting college is a significant transition in a student's life (for parents, too), and there's lots of advice available about how to get ready.

But what about heading into year two or three, or four?

Returning to college for sophomore, junior, or senior years is very different. The summer should be calmer and less anxious, but there's still plenty for your student to think about and do.

Some preparation over the summer, when free time is more plentiful, and the pressure is off, can make starting the fall semester much easier.

10 Summer Action Items for Returning College Students

  1. Review and update contact information in their online student account.
  2. Does your student have a healthcare proxy? A HIPAA release form (medical information)?
  3. Make an emergency plan. What will they do if there is a campus emergency or if they have a personal emergency? Ensure your student knows where they will go, how they will get there, what they need to take, and who they need to notify.
  4. Clean up any "old" business from last semester, such as incomplete courses or financial issues.
  5. Plan and shop now if your student will be studying abroad or on a domestic exchange. Is their passport in order? Visa secured? Do they need special clothes, equipment, or luggage?
  6. Students of all years should have proper business attire to prepare for job and internship interviews and other career-related events on campus. Summer is an excellent time to shop and also to update their resume.
  7. Review degree progress. Look carefully at all requirements (general education and for the major) and sketch a plan for getting things done. How many credits will they need each semester? Make sure to take essential classes as early as possible, especially if they will study abroad. Check prerequisite classes that need to be completed before others can be taken.
  8. Make any necessary schedule changes. Avoid the need to make changes once classes begin.
  9. Order textbooks early for the best prices and guarantee they arrive on time. (Save money by renting or purchasing used textbooks.)
  10. Address lifestyle changes for the coming year. Will your student have a car? Live off campus? Find a job? Is there paperwork to do?

Game-Changing Conversations

  • Chat with your student about their major. Many students change their minds once they begin to study a subject. Whether your student is undecided or wants to change majors, they should be moving toward something (sophomore year is when most students must declare a major).
  • Ask about their academic and personal goals. Sophomores and juniors are sometimes surprised by how much harder upper-level classes are. Talk about this and how different it will feel to return to campus this time. Most students can't wait and are happy not to be first years anymore, but the sophomore slump is real.
  • While you're at it, discuss what your student might do differently this year to enhance their experience or give it a new focus. Will they participate in new activities, take on a leadership role, or join a professional organization?
  • Ask your student about their dreams (maybe share a few of your own). How is college fitting in with and feeding those dreams so far? Help them make connections between now and someday.
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Vicki Nelson has more than 35 years of experience in higher education as a professor, academic advisor and administrator. She also weathered the college parenting experience successfully with three daughters. She established her website, College Parent Central, to help college parents achieve the delicate balance of support, guidance and appropriate involvement as they prepare for and navigate the college journey with their student. Vicki also serves as co-host of the College Parent Central podcast.

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