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It's now been six months of "unprecedented times," and any college student or family would tell you they would do a lot for things to go back to where they were pre-March 2020. Especially now that we've entered a school year that could very well be entirely online, we're all having to make adjustments to fit our new normal.
Online classes are new and unexplored territory for many students, who could use a helping hand to stay on track the same way they would in an in-person classroom setting. However, that doesn't mean your student and family are on your own when it comes to navigating this.
There are many helpful tools designed to make remote education easier, especially for those new to it. From video conferencing tools to those that expand on academic subject areas, there's no limit to the tech that's out there to support your student during these times.
Keep reading to learn more, scroll down to see the full infographic, and share this information with your student!
If this pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we can adjust our lifestyles for video conferencing and virtual communication. From talk shows to birthday parties, in-person meetings have largely been replaced by video calls — including classes and group projects. For those used to in-person meetings and classes, this can feel like a huge shift and make us feel alienated or far away from professors, classmates and group members.
While all students miss the in-person experiences of working late with classmates in the library, or talking with their professors during office hours, these tools (and many more) can help bring those experiences a little closer to home.
While they're still receiving a quality education while learning and living from home, students who are used to in-person college experiences (extracurricular activities, study groups and getting involved on campus, just to name a few) may feel like they're missing out on opportunities for success. If it isn't your preferred way of learning, distance education can take some getting used to.
Though success is measured differently for every student, these five tools and others like them can help ensure each student is receiving the best education and college experience possible.
Once students settle into a routine with remote learning, they may be looking for ways to fill their day outside of class and homework. These five tools, plus many others like them, help students expand on topics, learn new ones or build on interests they have outside of the classroom.
These 15 tools are among many created to help students (and families) adjust to the new challenges presented by online learning. You don't need to feel as if you're on your own in navigating this new territory, nor should you worry about being your student's all-in-one homeschooling resource. Check out more remote learning tools (and tips on adapting to at-home learning) in this visual from Online Schools Report.