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Faculty, staff, academic and career advisors, and student mentors provide one-on-one interaction to help promote student success. Each student is assigned a faculty advisor in their field of study. Each college also has an academic advisor who works primarily with incoming students and also provides additional support for faculty advisors and current Embry-Riddle students. Students are encouraged to communicate with their faculty advisors frequently. Free peer tutoring is also available for all students.
Disability Support Services (DSS) assigns reasonable accommodations to qualifying students with documented disabilities for equal access. Students and parents should be aware that colleges and universities provide this service under different laws than those that govern services in the K–12 system. For example, while this may be a parent’s last chance to convey important information to the University, it is the student’s first chance to self-advocate, as is expected at this level. There is no IEP, and the University makes its own determination of what accommodations are assigned based on the documentation of disability and their interview with the student.
Academic programs that are FAA-certified are subject to regulations that may delay or preclude participation or licensure in those programs by persons with certain disabilities.
Students should consult the DSS website regarding the application process and requirements. Contact DSS several months prior to arriving on campus and allow six weeks for the process. To apply: email [email protected] or call (928) 777-6750 or (928) 777-6749 for more information.