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KSU believes that quality academic advising is critical to student success. During the students first semester they are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to registration. Beyond that point, academic advising is no longer required in most colleges, but still highly recommended.
Each academic college has its own advising center and advising process. Students who already know their intended major should seek out the advising services in the respective department. Owl Advising serves those students who are still undecided on a major or who have selected a focus area, as well as those who might need a little extra help.
Students transferring to KSU should quickly identify the appropriate academic advising contact and meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for classes. For information regarding transfer credit policies, visit the Registrar’s Office website, registrar.kennesaw.edu. This site provides detailed information on transferability of coursework as well as registration information, academic calendars, etc.
New transfer students should make an advising appointment with the advising staff in the major of their choice.
A complete list of advising contacts by department is available at advising.kennesaw.edu.
Still have questions? Email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help.