My College:
Kennesaw State University

Welcome to the Parent and Family Association

Kennesaw State University

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Membership to the KSU Parent & Family Association is included with your student’s acceptance to KSU. Get started with your membership benefits today by visiting the Owl Family Hub. Log on here: to begin your tailored KSU experience as a valued member of our community!

Benefits of the PFA:

  • Ability through the Owl Family Hub to connect to your student’s data
  • Gain access through the Owl Family Hub to tailored information and beginreceiving the weekly ‘News from the Nest’ and monthly eNewsletter
  • Receive special invitations toprograms and events–some to enjoywith or without your student!
  • Receive discount access to a variety of local and regional community business partners within Kennesaw, Marietta as well as Atlanta!
  • PFA members will enjoy exclusive, seasonal discounts and promotions at University Stores throughout each year.

Remember, to begin with your included PFA benefits, be sure to hop on the Owl Family Hub:, to begin your tailored KSU experience.

For more information:
Email us: [email protected]

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