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Content Packages Terms of Use


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Terms of Use:

CollegiateParent allows purchasers of the Content Packages to share the content with their parents and families. We make available both individual articles and an ebook containing all of the articles. The articles will be provided in the form of digital articles hosted on (to which we provide links), PDFs, and text documents.


Without CollegiateParent’s prior written consent, you may not:
  • Post content on, or otherwise make content accessible through, servers or web sites other than those owned by your University;
  • Sell, rent, lease, assign, sublicense, transfer, redistribute, or otherwise provide access to content to any third party;
  • Use or permit the use of the content or any part thereof as a trademark or service mark, or claim any proprietary rights of any sort in the content or any part thereof;
  • Translate, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the Content or any part thereof;
  • Alter, edit, or supplement the Content in any way, except as pre-approved by CollegiateParent.
When sharing the articles, you must:

Credit CollegiateParent as the source of the content each and every time the content is featured in any University media by using the byline “CollegiateParent” at the top of each published article and the wording “Article originally published by CollegiateParent” at end of each published article.

If you have any questions regarding the use of the content, or wish to have an alternate use pre-approved, please contact us.

We can also provide a printed version of the ebook, or support in creating an eNews for an additional fee.

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