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Many parents have a predetermined positive or negative opinion of Greek life based on their own experience. When my daughter began her college search, she wanted a campus with an active Greek presence. I had reservations, influenced by stories I heard and read about partying, drinking, hooking up and more. My daughter was barely 18 — my concerns were understandable!
After observing her sorority experience, I’ve developed a different and more nuanced outlook which I’m happy to share.
Yes. In the long run, it was a positive experience for her. During the short term, I was frustrated with some of the negative influences and attitudes I witnessed. If your student is considering Greek life in college, be prepared for some of the same mixed emotions.
Going Greek provides plenty of benefits. The parties still exist, so educate your student on enjoying responsibly. Hazing is illegal but be aware there will be some form of initiation tasks during pledge week.