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The Office of Leadership Development provides leadership education and training to ignite self-discovery and create positive change. We seek to help students grow as leaders who live and lead authentically.
Leadership workshops for students who want to enhance their leadership ability. Open to all students, LeaderShops are offered on walk-in basis.
We offer students the opportunity to take the Gallup StrengthsFinder Assessment and engage in a consultation with a certified Strengths Coach.
L.O.V.E. Conference:
An on-campus leadership conference that encourages students to Live Openly and Value Everyone. This conference helps students identify their core passions and values in order to encourage self-awareness.
Inclusive Leadership Conference:
An on-campus conference that invites colleges and universities from around the region for a day of workshops, speakers, and activities focused on promoting leadership, diversity, and inclusion.
A funding opportunity for students who wish to further their leadership education by attending local, regional and national conferences with sponsorship from the O.L.D.
LeaderShape at Temple University:
Open to all students, LeaderShape is an intensive, energizing retreat-style student experience.
Lead Ambassadors:
A team of student workshop facilitators who assist the O.L.D. with LeaderShops and workshop requests.
LIT Team:
The O.L.D.’s official event planning team, LIT Team assists in the coordination of the L.O.V.E. and Inclusive Leadership Conferences.
Our office also offers student internships which are posted on Handshake.