Get stories and expert advice on all things related to college and parenting.
There is a lot of information related to supporting your student that doesn’t necessarily make sense to communicate at orientation, but also requires more interaction than an email newsletter.
These online sessions provide the opportunity to hear directly from Miami staff on topics such as planning for study abroad, fraternity and sorority recruitment, supporting a student who is sick, and academic support resources. Additionally, your questions are immediately answered in the moment with a depth of information not always possible with a newsletter. Visit MiamiOH.edu/parents and click on “Resources” to find the list of this year’s webinars and recordings of previous sessions.
Beyond sending you information related to your student’s time at Miami, we recognize that you also have knowledge and experiences that can benefit other Miami families and the University. Share your wisdom by joining and actively participating in the Miami University | Parents & Family Members Facebook group, which has over 11,000 family members of Miami students who trade information, strategies, and celebrations related to their Miami student.
Not yet receiving newsletters and other messages from Parent & Family Programs? Visit MiamiOH.edu/parents and click on “Stay In Touch” to join the email distribution list for your student’s class year.