My College:
Family Life

In the Blink of an Eye: All Grown Up

Shari McStay

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How is it that, in a blink of an eye, my baby girl is a young woman and out in the work world?

No more driving her to school, no more softball, no more football games, no more cheer competitions.

I can almost feel her small hand in mine as we walked together when she was little. In my mind, I still picture just how little she looked in her first big girl bed.

Recently, when watching old videos, my memory was refreshed about how I used to say, “Hi, pretty girl” and she would immediately reply, “I love you, mumma.” I’m grateful for the retrospection home videos give.

How can it be that she’s out in the workforce when it feels like only yesterday that she walked across the bridge to graduate from being a Daisy to become a Brownie? And then again to go from a Brownie to a Girl Scout?

In a blink of a eye she walked across the stage out on the football field to accept her high school diploma, and then somehow four more years flew by and she crossed a stage once again to receive her college diploma.

How can it be that what feels like such a short time ago — playing dolls with her, caring for her when she was sick, and kissing boo boos — was really all those years ago, and now she is a young adult and a nurse caring for others?

She is an independent young women now, but she still likes her mom around when she is sick. She’s grown up; however, there are still life lessons ahead of her to learn.

Time has seemingly gone by so quickly. Though there are stages I wish I could have had just a little bit longer, time can’t stand still and change is inevitable.

I loved her then, I love her now, and I’ll love her always.

The writer's daughter as a Brownie

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Shari McStay is a full-time residential real estate agent and part-time writer, with master's degrees in both business and education. She is mother of four children, one angel baby and three kitties. Shari is passionate about spending quality time with family and friends and volunteering at Sweet Paws Rescue. Fun fact: In 1995 Shari was the oldest New England Patriots cheerleader and remains active with the New England Professional Cheerleader Alumni Association. She lives in Massachusetts with her children and husband of over 25 years.
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