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Is your college student still looking for a fabulous and enriching summer experience?
The UCLA Anderson Center for Management of Enterprise in Media, Entertainment and Sports (MEMES) is a leading center for education, thought leadership and industry access. Our six-week Media, Entertainment and Sports Summer Institute is designed to give undergraduates and recent college graduates the practical skills and business framework to pursue careers in the industry.
The courses we offer provide business frameworks, guest lectures from industry experts, site visits and more. A number of the courses also contain capstone projects — group assignments that allow students to get practical experience working on a business problem for a company in the entertainment sector. All students will select two of four curricular specializations, building a custom educational experience from the following concentrations:
Link to Register: https://r.summer.ucla.edu/institutes/register/institutes_register.cfm
Located in the exciting college community of Westwood, UCLA is a crossroads of cultures, ideas and limitless experiences and opportunities. Your student will never run out of things to do. From spending the day at Santa Monica Beach to hiking in Griffith Park to seeing the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the UCLA Summer experience will open doors and expand your student's mind.