My College:

Meet Adina Glickman! CollegiateParent's advice columnist has practical and compassionate advice on all matters related to supporting your teen or young adult.

Ask Adina a Question

Worried Because My Senior Isn't Looking for a Job

Hi Adina! My son is about to graduate and has shown little interest in searching for his first job. He has been and is being treated for depression, anxiety and OCD and usually feels overwhelmed by school/life (even though he has only ever taken 15 credits a semester and not […] Read More

How Do I Motivate My Student?

Dear Adina, When you know your child is under-performing in college what do you recommend to do? In other words, can you motivate a kid to do well and if so how? Dear Parent, Many students arrive at college somewhat burned out on school. They have been entirely focused on […] Read More

What Can I Say to Give My Student Hope for the Future?

Dear Adina, My young adult child has shared her feelings that she probably won't want to have kids because of climate change and how "messed up" the world is going to be in another 20 years. This makes me sad, not just on a personal level, but because she says […] Read More

How Do I Nudge My Student to Go to Virtual Activities?

Dear Adina, How do I get my son, who began college as a freshman this past September during the "COVID era," to get involved in campus activities even though they are currently all being held virtually? How do I get him to meet some new people at school and become […] Read More

How Do I Encourage My Student to Reach Out to Professors?

Dear Adina, How do you get your college student to go out of their comfort zone and reach out to their professors and foster relationships with them? Dear Parent, So many professors I’ve talked to over the years feel very sad that more students don’t come to office hours. Students […] Read More

Sad About My New Grad Moving Away

Dear Adina, My son is a senior in college and his current job search is really on my mind. I’d love to know how to remain excited about and supportive of his future opportunities, when it’s highly likely he will be moving very far away. I want to be so […] Read More

Concerned for My Daughter's Safety

Dear Adina, My daughter is struggling with her sexual identity and I am not sure how to handle the situation. I worry about her safety later in life if she goes through with the transition. I'm a little upset with her decision. How do I deal with this? Dear Parent, […] Read More

What's the Best College Major for a Good Career?

Dear Adina, My student hasn't declared a major yet. Do you have advice about the best college majors for a good career (including salary) five or ten years in the future? Dear Parent, There are people who spend their time pondering and predicting just this sort of thing, and to […] Read More

Uneasy About the Long Drive to College

Dear Adina, My 2021 high school senior will be attending college three states and eight hours away from home starting next fall. As an out-of-state student, she is allowed to have a car on campus, and she will. She is a safe, responsible, careful driver, but I'm uneasy about her […] Read More

Do I Have to Treat My Two Children the Same?

Dear Adina, My youngest daughter is a freshman engineering major at a small private university. She wants to work spring semester to earn money to cover her (expensive!) sorority dues and has her eye on a job at the campus COVID-19 testing center. I'm worried about two things: her health […] Read More
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