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Thanksgiving day is almost here! As we prepare for our feasts and family reunions, we have a lot to be thankful for at CollegiateParent. We're grateful for the opportunity to work with colleges and universities to help them connect more closely with their parent and family communities. We also so appreciate — every day of the year — our own community of caring college parent readers. Finally, we feel very fortunate to have one another. At CollegiateParent, we're a small team and truly think of one another as family.
I am thankful for all the love and support I receive from my family and friends that are far away, as well as the wonderful family I have become a part of at work. They are always there to share in both the good and not-so-good times, and both are better because of them! – Mark
This year I'm extra thankful that I am getting to celebrate the holidays with my family. I wasn't able to be with them last year, so I will cherish every moment and soak up every bit of it this time around. I've realized how quickly time goes by, and just how important it is to be with the people you love whenever you can. Getting the opportunity to celebrate with my family makes me realize how lucky I truly am! – Catherine
I am thankful for the love and support I receive from my community and chosen family – to share in the joy of life's ups and to lend an ear to process the downs. – Kade
Since college, I no longer have my usual holiday traditions with my family because I moved from NC to Colorado. It's too expensive to travel home, so I am thankful for those that take me in on special days like Thanksgiving. Last year it was my aunt. This year my boyfriend's family have welcomed me to join their annual feast. Having their arms wide open to me brings comfort and makes the feeling of missing home a little easier. – Kelsey
I am thankful to be blessed with a fully functioning body, three wonderful daughters, a new and rewarding job, and so many family members and friends who stand with me through the good and bad times. And I'm super thankful that God is providing the orchestration of my life. – Kimberly
I am thankful for the challenges in my life that allow me to learn valuable lessons and hopefully improve as a friend, parent and wife. – Caroline
I am thankful for the opportunity to live in such a beautiful place with my best friends and the love and support I continue to receive from my family back in Oklahoma. – Felicia
I'm thankful for my home, neighborhood and friends, and to be part of a workplace where I laugh and learn every single day. And I'm thankful for my family, near and far. It's a joy to have my youngest son home from college this week and to know that, even though he can't be here with us, my middle son will be visiting his grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncle in New Hampshire for the holiday. – Diane
I'm grateful that I get to live and work in Boulder with great people doing life together! It's a special place and we're a special team! – Rebecca
We made a list and checked it twice. Save time and get the perfect present for your college student with our "Holiday Gift Guide". Find 50+ gift ideas that your student will love! >>