My College:
Family Life

Winter Break Fun for Families of College Students


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We’re counting the days until our college kids come home, aren’t you? Once they’ve caught up on sleep, winter break is a perfect chance to reconnect.

Family time doesn’t have to be fancy, just fun!

  • Teach them a favorite holiday recipe.
  • Go sledding on the hill/walking on the beach they loved as a child.
  • Watch an old movie or play a silly game like Apples to Apples, Pit or Super Fight.
  • Decorate cupcakes or cookies.
  • Hear live music at a concert hall or coffee shop.
  • Take a nighttime stroll to enjoy the holiday lights.
  • Look through old photo albums.

If your student will be home for more than just a couple of weeks, you get to start the new year together. Here are some great ways to bond.

See an exhibit.

Does your town have an art or history museum you haven’t visited in years…or ever? If there’s time, take a train into the city and seek out a lesser-known museum where you will encounter something new and surprising.

Reconnect with a family friend or neighbor.

Ask your student if there's someone they’d love to see and give that person a call. Keep it casual — afternoon tea and cookies.

Get artsy-craftsy.

Learn to do something new together — how about knitting? Or make a photobook or scrapbook of highlights from the past year.

Re-decorate their room.

Is it finally time to pitch that pile of spiral notebooks from high school? Would new curtains or a fresh coat of paint brighten things up? Tackle it as a team.

Maybe they’re ready to refresh their dorm room back on campus. Gather decorating ideas from magazines or Pinterest and then get out the sewing machine or head to the mall.

Give back to the community.

Donate a few hours at the homeless shelter, adopt a family in need, visit the elderly at a nursing home or do a chore for a neighbor.

Music jam.

It is guaranteed to be hilarious when the family gets together to play guitar or piano or do karaoke. Sing, dance!

Attend services at your place of worship or spiritual center.

Take time to center yourselves and be grateful for the wonderful gifts in your lives — and for each other.

Finally, just spend time...

...talking about life, love and what college has been like for your student. Share your dreams and hopes for the new year ahead.

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