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This month and next, high schools across the U.S. are sponsoring free College Application Week (or Month) events where students and families can get help with the application process.
The goal is to increase the number of students applying to college. With the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) now available on Oct. 1, many states are holding free financial aid workshops simultaneously.
As part of these events, many states offer an opportunity to apply for free to colleges and universities in the state. This can mean big savings to your family in application fees.
Click on the state name for details:
Colorado will host Free College Application Days from Oct. 15–17.
Delaware hosts a variety of College Application Month events.
In Idaho, contact your student's high school to see if they have a "Next Steps" Idaho College Month event planned.
In Illinois, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission sponsors free college and financial aid application events all fall. Contact your high school to find out if there’s one near you
Indiana's College Application Week took place Sept. 23–27, but some Indiana schools offer free applications to in-state students year-round, and free FAFSA virtual workshops will be held throughout the fall. Visit Learn More Indiana.
Many of Minnesota’s state colleges and universities waive application fees during College Knowledge Month in October. Others are free all year long. The Minnesota State system had a free college application week this past June 24–28 so stay tuned for an early event next year!
Montana's College Application Weeks run from Sept. 30–Oct. 11.
New York's College Application Month is October. SUNY’s Free App Weeks are Oct. 21–Nov. 3
North Carolina's NC Countdown to College week is Oct. 21–27.
Oklahoma’s official College App Week was Sept. 23–27, but free application events are held throughout the fall, so check with your high school.
South Carolina high schools hold college application events from September through November.
South Dakota's College Application Week/College Access Campaign runs Oct. 1–Nov. 30.
It’s now free all year long for in-state Utah students to apply to public colleges and universities!
Virginia's College Application Week is Oct. 21–25.
West Virginia College Application & Exploration Week is Oct. 28–Nov. 1.
Call your student's high school to ask if they are hosting an event or to find out if there is one at another high school in your area.
You can also visit the website for the American College Application Campaign or Google your state’s Department of education to see if there will be free events in your area.
Click here to learn more about application fee waivers >
Click here for a list of the "Best Colleges in America With No Application Fee" >