My College:

Parent & Family Connections

Purdue University

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As your students start their college experience, you’re going to have many questions — this is where we step in. Purdue Parent & Family Connections is here to help you find the right answers and keep you informed on how to effectively support your students through every stage of their college careers.

We engage parents and families as partners in student success, by helping you understand the goals of — and create a positive relationship with — the University community. Just think of us as your central point of contact.

Kelley Stier
Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Parent & Family Connections

Jennifer Wetli
Assistant Director of Parent & Family Connections

Beth Moore
Administrative Assistant for Parent & Family Connections

In addition to providing information about campus and supporting your student — everything from tips on care packages to health and safety on campus — we also provide communications and programs/events for Purdue parents and families. You can find more information about these communications and programs/events and details on how to sign up on our website,

This handbook was created as a quick reference tool to help you assist your student shall the need arise. However, we offer a number of other resources for you during your Boilermaker’s time on campus.

Family Calendar
The Family calendar is filled with important University dates, deadlines, holidays, and events to help you stay connected to what is happening on campus. The digital version of the calendar can be found at (note: the 2020-2021 academic calendar is not available in a printed version).

Monthly Newsletter
Keep up-to-date with campus news and events through our newsletter subscription — delivered monthly to your inbox.

Parent & Family Facebook
Join the Purdue Parent & Family Facebook page to stay up to date with campus events, photos and news.

Incoming Parent and Family Support
The family transition from high school to college can be difficult whether it is your first, middle, or last student going to college. Parent & Family Connections offers extra communication resources specifically for supporters of incoming Purdue students.

  • Social Media – Parent & Family Connections hosts a special closed Facebook group for parents and family members to ask questions during their student’s transition to campus life. “Pro” Purdue Parents and campus partners are there to help answer questions, and offer guidance. This group starts soon after admissions decisions are sent, and continues through the first day of classes. If not already part of the group, send a request to [email protected].
  • OnBoard Newsletters – Newsletters are sent throughout the summer with topics ranging from Doing Business Boilermaker Style to Safety on Campus. Written by campus experts, OnBoard also offers talking points to aid in the transition from high school to college. If you are not receiving the newsletter, email [email protected] and we will be sure to add you to the distribution list and get you caught up on the newsletters you missed.


Boiler Boilergrams
Incoming families should watch their inbox this summer for an opportunity to complete an online Boilergram for your student. This message will be delivered to your student’s inbox after classes begin.

Family Weekend
As the University continues to make plans for the fall, we will follow all guidelines for large events as determined by the University. As soon as we have more clarity on those guidelines, we will provide an update to students and families regarding Family Weekend. Thank you for your patience as we know families are eager for this information.

Parent & Family Volunteer Network
This network is designed to give parents and family members a meaningful and enjoyable way to become more active in the Purdue community. By participating in the Parent & Family Volunteer Network you become more connected to the Boilermaker community, meet other parents, and contribute to student success. Volunteer opportunities range from a one-time commitment to several great opportunities throughout the year, with various, flexible options. More information is on the Parent & Family website.

Ride Board
Purdue Parent & Family Connections offers a Facebook group that serves as a ride-sharing tool for parents or family members seeking rides or carpools for themselves or their Purdue students. Ride boards are commonly utilized for university breaks and traveling to and from a student’s hometown. In order to participate, parents or family members of Purdue students must request to join “Purdue Parent & Family Connections Ride Board” on Facebook. When requesting, you will be asked to provide your student’s name and academic major for group administrators to verify. Once accepted to the group, please review the Disclaimer and Terms of the page before participating in the Ride Board. Purdue Parent & Family Connections is pleased to partner with you to make the road to get your student to and from Purdue a little bit easier!

Parent & Family Connections helpline is a way for families to contact the department directly. Parent & Family Connections can be contacted by emailing [email protected] or by calling (765) 496-0524. If you call and are unable to connect directly to a staff member, please leave us a detailed message and we will return your call as soon as we are able.

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