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College classes are very different from high school. Students are becoming more independent, but they will still ask for advice. Here is some helpful information.
Most colleges require a set of introductory courses, taken first and second year. GenEds ensure that students learn a range of subjects. Gen Ed requirements are described in the university’s online course catalog.
If your student earned AP or IB credit in high school, those credits may substitute for some Gen Ed courses. Policies on AP and IB credit vary widely by school so your student should check.
All students are assigned an academic advisor to help them plan courses and understand Gen Ed and graduation requirements. The advisor can give advice about choosing a major or finding an internship. Your student can go to their advisor with any kind of problem. Encourage your student to see the advisor often!
Conversation starters: Did your high school classes prepare you for the work or will you need some extra help? Do you have all the books and supplies you need? Tell me about your favorite professor.
Regular times each week when faculty members are available for students to drop by their office without an appointment.