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Growing up as a little girl, Christmas was my favorite holiday. As the season approached, my mom set out the festive decorations while Dad put up the lights, and like many other children, I would start writing my grand list of presents for Santa!
Gifts were why it was my favorite holiday.
I got older, and the idea of Christmas began to change. When I attended college, winter vacation was a relief for many reasons, and like many other college students, the season gave us a break from grueling class structure or late nights in the library. It was a chance to upgrade from college living and campus dining food to a safe, cozy home with clean showers and home-cooked meals from Mom.
The season had a different meaning of comfort — and it was still my favorite holiday.
Flash forward to the present day. I’m in my lower mid-twenties (who's counting?!), and I’ll be heading home this Christmas. It will be my first time home for the holidays since I moved from North Carolina to Colorado after college.
Words can’t explain how excited I am — even more than when I was a little kid waiting in anticipation for what Santa left under the tree. I just want one thing this Christmas, and like many other young professionals living far away from home, that is uninterrupted, quality time with my family. They have always been my greatest gift in life and it is holidays like these that fill me with sentiment and gratitude.
The time with my family is why Christmas is still my favorite holiday.
Maybe one day, if I settle down and have my own family, the meaning of Christmas will change again. And like many other parents, it will be about giving. The sort of giving that is completely selfless in every way. The older I have gotten, the more I have realized the sacrifices my parents made for me — the lengths they've gone to create a stable and supportive life. I am so thankful and hope that I can give back as they have done for me one day.
From toddler to teen, college student to semi-functioning adult, I’d say that life has brought no shortage of change, but one thing is for certain, Christmas will always be my favorite holiday.
Whatever you believe in, I hope you enjoy the precious time with your family over winter break and treasure every moment.
Home sweet home, here I come!