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Throughout their experience, undergraduate students face a variety of personal and academic challenges. UIC provides a wide range of resources to support students both in and out of the classroom. It would not be college if it weren’t challenging, but you can help your student be successful by reminding them of three things:
Many students believe “I am the only one with this problem.” The reality is that most students face similar problems, with approximately 66% of students citing that they feel overwhelmed by everything they need to accomplish in college at some point throughout their collegiate journey.
For example, half of all freshmen and one- third of all undergraduate students report asking for academic assistance, such as tutoring, from their school or department. Talking to a professor or teaching assistant, attending tutoring, or asking for help from other students in the class can help your student get back on track in a difficult class.
If a student is feeling stressed for any reason — from relationship issues to course work — help is available. The best thing to do when feeling overwhelmed or isolated is to reach out: