Get stories and expert advice on all things related to college and parenting.
How are you settling into your residence hall?
How was your first hall meeting?
Have you looked at the syllabus for each class?
What are your goals for the semester?
Have you introduced yourself to your instructors?
What are your plans for Labor Day weekend?
Do any of your courses offer Supplemental Instruction (S.I.)?
What class are you enjoying so far?
What class do you think is going to require the most work?
How can you start planning now to be successful later in the semester?
Have you visited the University Learning Center?
How have you gotten involved outside of the classroom?
How much time do you devote to studying each week?
What study strategies work best for you?
Have you scheduled an appointment with your advisor?
When do you register for spring classes?
What are your plans for Fall Break?
What are you doing to stay healthy?
What assignments do you have before Thanksgiving Break?
Will you have school work to do over break?
Do you know your finals schedule (when/where)?
How have you started preparing for final exams or projects?
Are you getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising?
What are your plans for holiday break?
Have you looked at the syllabus for each class?
What are your goals for the semester?
What classes are you enjoying so far? Why?
What class do you think is going to require the most work?
Are there weeks that are going to be particularly busy with tests, projects, or papers?
What did you learn last semester that could help you this semester?
What are your plans for Spring Break?
Have you scheduled a meeting with your advisor?
Which of your classes is turning out to be the biggest challenge?
Have you talked to the instructor for suggestions about how to improve
your performance?
What assignments do you have before Spring Break?
What classes are you going to take in the fall?
What’s the most helpful thing an instructor has done to help you learn in a course?
What are your summer plans (internship, job, classes)?
Have you started preparing for final exams?
Are you prepared for final exams or projects?
Are you getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising?
When do you have to move out of the residence hall?