My College:
Family Life

What I Want for Mother's Day

Marlene Kern Fischer

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Some colleges wrap up the academic year before Mother’s Day; however there are many that won’t be finished until later in May or even June. If your child won’t be home until after Mother’s Day, here is a blog post you can send them regarding our special day — and from one mom to another, you are welcome.

Dear Child,

I know this is a hectic time of year and you are super busy so I will try and keep this brief. Mother’s Day will soon be here; in case you are unaware, the actual date is Sunday, May 14.

Despite the fact that you may be in the middle of finals, finishing a paper or two, or enjoying senior week, I still have a few expectations. I don’t need a fancy gift or even a card. I know that getting to the store, choosing a card, finding a stamp and then locating a mailbox may be a tall order, so I will make things easy for you. I would like to hear from you, so please call me. If you wait until evening I will be sad and think you have forgotten. So call as early as you can because hearing your voice is the best present of all.

If you want extra bonus points, when you call, perhaps you can mention some of the nice things I have done for you recently. And if at all possible, please try and refrain from complaining about whatever is bothering you at the moment. It’s not that I don’t care; I do — more than you know. But on Mother’s Day, I would just like to be happy, and hearing you upset makes me upset. If you need to vent, perhaps you can direct your complaints elsewhere, like to your father. Or wait until Monday, May 15.

Marlene's Mother's Day photoAnother thing you can do for me on Mother’s Day is post something nice on Facebook. I know you are on your phone constantly so do not try and trick me by saying you haven’t had a moment. I realize it can be difficult, especially for boys, to post something mushy to their mothers publicly, but try and go out of your comfort zone just this once. It doesn’t have to be overly sentimental — just something a little bit nice would be sufficient. Perhaps a picture of the two of us, or even a cute puppy video (you know how much I love those.)

If you prefer, sending me an e-card would be great, too. I love the JibJab ones. I’m really not all that hard to please; the bottom line is I just want to know you’re thinking about me.

I miss the days when you bounded into my room with your homemade cards and kisses. Back then you couldn’t wait to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day and present me with a gift you had made at school. I still have the pin, the necklace, the cut-out flowers and all those cards.

I know you care, and I’m proud of how grown-up you’ve become, but I admit I wouldn’t mind one more Mother’s Day with you little again. One more chance to have you come into my bed and throw your small arms around my neck. Please understand that this day means a lot to me because being your mom has been the greatest thing I’ve ever done.

That’s about it for now. Good luck with these last weeks of school. Can’t wait to have you home.

Love you —


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Marlene Kern Fischer is a wife, mother, food shopper extraordinaire, author and college essay editor. She has published two books: Trapped in My Sports Bra and Other Harrowing Tales and Gained a Daughter but Nearly Lost My Mind: How I Planned a Backyard Wedding During a Pandemic. Find her on Facebook at Thoughts From Aisle 4.
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