My College:
Family Life

Make Time for Each Other

Christine Carter

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In 18 years we only had one vacation without kids. One!

Yes, in the past 18 years, we have left our kids ONE TIME to travel together alone.

Several years ago, my husband had a work training in Prague, giving us the chance of a lifetime to enjoy that beautiful place together. I couldn’t turn down the offer to go with him and it was an incredible experience.

Other than that, we’ve had quick getaways for a night or two, which were wonderful and worth it. But longer and more extravagant trips never occurred. We just didn’t want to leave our kids, and my gosh, it would be nearly impossible to find someone else to watch them.

And then there were always excuses — our kids were too busy or we were too busy. We didn’t want to miss anything going on in their lives and we actually loved being home with our kids anyway. We also didn’t have extra cash to splurge on a vacation. We were content with how things were and made sure to squeeze in time alone together when we could.

Now that our kids are older, we planned a trip for just us two. It was time we treated ourselves to a vacation to celebrate our 20-year anniversary. We couldn’t wait to embrace and enjoy our time together without the distractions of parenting and work and all that life brings. Our trip was canceled two times, until we finally had the chance to go.

And although we checked on our kids every day and missed them, and I wondered and worried if they were okay, we loved being away together alone. It was glorious! We biked everywhere each day, enjoying the new landscape full of beautiful homes by the water. We jet skied along the coast in the company of dolphins. We walked the beach and looked for shells and waded in the water to cool off. We ate delicious food and drank yummy drinks in fun new places. We watched movies during the afternoon storms and went back out to walk the shore, witnessing breathtaking sunsets every night.

But most of all, we remembered how much we liked each other and how much we enjoyed being together alone. And in a few short years after our last baby leaves the nest, it will just be us two — all.the.time.

I’m so grateful I married someone I not only love with all my heart, but I actually really like, too. Being parents has filled our life with so much joy, and it’s been and will always be incredibly fulfilling to us both. But I’m so glad I have the rest of my life to spend with this guy, when our kids are gone and on their own.

But for now, back to reality!

Originally shared on CollegiateParent's Facebook page by Christine Carter. Find more conversation and community in our College Parent Insiders Facebook group. Photo courtesy of the author.
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Christine Carter enjoys writing about motherhood and parenting, health and wellness, marriage, friendship, and faith. You can find her work on her blog,, and several online publications. She is the author of "Help and Hope While You're Healing: A woman's guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery, or illness" and “Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World” (both sold on Amazon).
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