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The transition to college can be disorienting. Students move from the familiar routine of high school and home into a new and unfamiliar world. It’s a big change for their families, too.
Fortunately, most colleges and universities recognize this dis-oriented state and support new students and families by offering orientation sessions before the official start of freshman year.
Orientation is a chance for students to learn how things work at their new school and meet other students as well as faculty and staff members. Orientation is also a chance for the school to start getting to know your student.
A good orientation program helps students feel excited about starting college and smooths the transition to campus life and the independence that comes with it.
Like schools themselves, orientations come in all shapes and sizes. They may be half a day or a full week; they may take place in early summer, mid-summer, or just before classes begin in the fall. Some orientation programs are highly structured and informative, while others emphasize social bonding and feel more like summer camp.
Many schools invite parents, guardians, and supporters to participate in orientation. Family members might attend the same programming as their student or experience a separate but parallel program geared to their unique needs.
All orientation programs aim to provide students and families with a sense of belonging. You will become more comfortable with the campus, learn about college policies and expectations, and start connecting with key people. It's a valuable experience!
For many students, orientation is their first chance to meet members of the college community beyond the admissions office. Administrators and staff welcome students and conduct information sessions, student support staff introduce themselves, and faculty may be available.
During orientation, students become familiar with their new home and its rules and expectations. They learn their way around campus and find out more about health services, meal plans, computer needs, curriculum requirements, college drinking policies, and course registration (to name a few of many possible topics!).
They may meet with an academic advisor to plan their fall schedule or take formal assessments such as math or writing placement tests.
Most important: They meet other students — both upperclassmen and their fellow first years. They can hear about life at college from those who’ve been there and begin making new friends who will share their journey in the fall.
Orientation is a chance for students to get acquainted with their new school; orientation also helps the school get to know your student. Orientation leaders and other staff members use this time to observe and learn about the students, working hard to draw out quieter students and reminding more boisterous students about college behavioral expectations.
A lot of getting-to-know-you happens in a short time.
At orientation, parents and families have a similar opportunity to get to know the campus and the people who will be working with their students. They may learn about:
It’s a lot! But by the end of orientation, both students and parents should feel like they belong and are part of a new community.
Students usually take home some college gear or swag and maybe their new ID card. They’re college students now!
And having met college personnel, parents should be more comfortable when they drop their student off on move-in day and more at home when they return for Family Weekend in the future.