My College:
Family Life

Love You Mom


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We reached out to college students and recent grads asking for appreciations of their moms and surrogate moms and could now offer you sacks and sacks of writing (reminiscent of the bags of mail delivered to the courthouse in Miracle on 34th Street).

Instead, here is a sample of the many expressions of love, admiration and gratitude sent from young people who, even though they are super busy with finals and life, have hearts bursting with love.

You are sure to see yourself reflected in these words. Thank you mothers, grandmothers, aunts and friends for all you to do support the young adults in your lives.

For our mom, Marlene, the chauffeur who drove us back and forth all day long, the teacher who spent countless hours sharing a piano bench with us, the disciplinarian who rightfully made us do our work before we played, the nurse who sacrificed her own health to care for ours, the laundress who took on extra shifts for our (failed) athletic careers, and the blogger who's delighted to share our triumphs (and miscues) with the world:

Happy Mother's Day! Hope your day is filled with relaxation and a dearth of grocery shopping.

Much love, your boys Eric, Jonah and Isaac

My mom, Stacie, is always full of energy and ideas and inspires me every day to be a better person. She is kind, loving and caring to the people close to her. She always sets a good example, volunteering every week at Sunday school to teach kids. I want to thank her for being the best, most supportive and positive mom out there and supporting me in my journey through college and beyond.

— Brittney, former CollegiateParent intern

My mom, Lisa, has been the most incredible supportive force in my life and I am so grateful to her. She is endlessly patient, forgiving, and trusting and most of all dependable. She not only puts me, but everyone else, in front of herself, making her the definition of selfless.

Her favorite foods to make are my favorite foods to eat, and I can never stop her from making them. (She is uncompromising when it comes to making chicken noodle soup when I'm sick — she'll always do it — and she spends two days just making the broth! Her brisket melts in your mouth and that recipe has been passed down in her family.)

I owe her everything and love her so much. Thanks, Mom!

— Micah

There are loads of reasons why I love my mother, Laura, but one of the biggest is how dedicated she is to everyone and everything that matters to her in her life. She has shown me and my siblings so many times the importance of acting in accordance with our beliefs.

— Molly

My mother Karen is not fond of mushiness when it comes to expressing sentiment, and that’s likely something I’ve gotten from her. I’m aware that if I start going on about her wonderful qualities and the support she has provided me she would just laugh. In fact, no matter what I say about her she would probably just laugh.

And therein lies one of the things I like best about my mom: her sense of humor towards most things around her. My mom and I simply carried on with our jokes when I left for college (and then grad school), continuing to find the same things funny and continuing to share them with one another. What’s more, I still get to see her as well as the other motherly figures in my life (the main one being my neighbor and pretend relative who also has a fine sense of humor), and for that I count myself very lucky.

— Ellie

Thank you for being my rock for as long as I can remember.

The constant love and support you give have nurtured me into the person I am today. You taught me the value in perseverance, and showed me that hard work does pay off. You taught me to embrace my uniqueness rather than struggle to fit in. Your guidance and advice have pushed me to accomplish much more than I thought I was capable of, because you always believe in me, even when I don’t believe in myself.

Though we don’t agree all the time, you support my choices in any case, something I am infinitely grateful for. You flew halfway across the world to visit me during my gap year, and despite the 4,000 miles currently between us, I feel closer to you than ever. I love you, Mom.


My mother, Suzi, is ferocious, unstoppable, and fearless.

Don’t get me wrong, my mom is also a loving person. Her fear factor is forged from her perseverance. When we were younger, Mom would somehow manage to drive us three kids to three different schools or daycare, work as a geriatrician, cook, clean, take us to after-school activities, do the grocery shopping, fit in a run, make sure we prayed before every dinner together, and still manage to be an exceptional mother and doctor.

I remember countless people coming up to my siblings and me and telling us how lucky we were to have such a great mom. They were right. It is this impeccable time management and will that has gotten me to where I am today.

— Maya

Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day! I love you because you give unconditional love and support to all three of your children. I love how you have really great taste in films and books. I love how you taught me about style and thrifting at a young age. Sometimes I brag about you to my friends because I think you are so intelligent and wise and attended an extremely prestigious college like Oxford.

You've always put our happiness and wellbeing above all else and for that we are grateful. I know I can always count on you and rely on you to be an honest listener and to give me advice when needed. You are also an amazing cook and I enjoy spending time with you. Thank you for loving us and we love you so much.

You are a fantastic mother and I am immensely lucky to call you mine.

Love, Lana

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